Jason Mewes

Jason Edward Mewes is an American television and film actor, film producer and internet radio show host. He has played Jay, the vocal half of the duo Jay and Silent Bob, in longtime friend Kevin Smiths films.

Jason Edward Mewes was born on June 12, 1974 in Highlands, New Jersey, and grew up in a workingclass neighborhood. He never knew his father, and his mother was an excon and a drug addict. Relates Mewes She used to check into hotels and take TVs and sell them...I guess it really aint funny, but its weird because it was so fucked up...She used to steal mail. I used to drive around with her and shed pull up and make me reach into mailboxes. It really wasnt pleasant. Although this exposure to drugs at first served to make him averse to them, he eventually began using them after graduating from high school.

Source: Wikipedia